Hello my dear friend,

and yes if you are here reading this, it means you are my friend or my enemy. But you know the saying, keep your friends close and your enemies even more closer. I am honestly at that point when I don’t really care anymore, so if you wanna hate me or whatsoever, that is fully on you 100% and your problem to deal with. However if you love me, I really appreciate it and I am grateful for your love. I have decided to start in here a bit more personal note because I have a lot of things to say…so bare with me a bit.

In the past months things have changed around the world a lot and we all feel it. Some more, some less, but we do see it, feel it and learn to live with it or against it. We all had our fair share of hardships and some good or bad days, I am sure of this. Pretty sure I wasn’t the only one around who had to move out of a blue, or had few bad months regarding funds and survival. We are in what I like to call the survival mode from some time, maybe since the past summer, and we don’t fully get it or learned to cope with it.

What made me think a bit more in depth about things was a something I saw in the online world a lot recently: is not what is happening to us the thing that is affecting us, it’s how we react to it. But honestly so many bad things happened that we kind of didn’t had time to cope or react in certain way with these things. We learned to adapt as we went through and kept taking punches.

Recently some BIG changes happened regarding our access to platforms and adult websites, especially to the ones living in the land of the free ones, USA. This unfortunately hasn’t affected only members, but also creators as well. We haven’t felt it right away but was slowly eating us alive if I can say so.

To give a small example: one day I was online on one of my platforms, when one of my friends told me he had to keep sharing his id and selfie each time the platform was refreshing or he went to buy tokens or went to another room. He was the first one and the only one telling me this, but I am pretty sure wasn’t the only one facing this or dealing with this.

Now the technical thing was a bug, because he was from his phone, but how many are accessing that platform from phone? A LOT! Did they fixed the issue? Probably not, and I am like 99% sure they don’t even know about this issue. Is affecting the website? On a long term not really, there are plenty models and members/clients for them. Is affecting the models/performers? Yes it does, because in time members/clients get bored and pissed to keep doing this and they lose interest. A solution to this? It’s again up to members to report this bug further not us, so there is really nothing we can do as models/performers. Even if we report this their eternal response: please ask the member/client to message us with a print screen of the issue. LMAO! Who in his right mind, wishing to have a fast orgasm and go away, will take time to even do that? NO ONE! And to be fair why they would when they can just skip the room or change the platform?

Where I wish to get with this? Same as Skype got closed because no one reported their issues and hence less and less started using it, same this platform will surely die if they don’t adapt to the things happening around. My opinion in all this? Learn to adapt, fight with it, give punches back! I started long ago using by example Discord instead of Skype, probably will change this platform too at a point if will not make me funds anymore.

Another thing that I hear/read about it around are members/clients complaining about models/performers for being all about money lately and not having so much fun anymore on cam. Same as I said above, we all had hardships and we are trying to live with them, to win over them , including the all HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY performers/models. We are here and try to bring joy and the good times back, but honestly would you go work for free out there? No? Why not, you don’t love what you do?

Same is here too! We can’t make it fun for FREE. I think we can all agree a bit of TEAM WORK is making miracles! But if you see one member/client tipping lots and you stay as a guest/basic/hidden while the other one is tipping and then come and act like you are the one who made the show happen, my apologies but you are an ASS! Also no one said to make it daily, but ghosting me for months and then act like we are best friends, my apologies but you are a LIAR.

Again I do get it, the world around is harsh and cruel, but I can’t give HAPPINESS if my brain is busy 99% of the time thinking if I have food today or a roof above. Not to mention if I am not paying my taxes I will not be able to work/be online anymore at all. I am after all a HUMAN like you with needs.

I didn’t wanted to start my first post here like this, but as I said you are allowed to hate me as much as you want, I am starting to not care anymore. However in my next ones I promise to start posting about Vampires and about what I want this website to be about. I had to let this load out of my chest after all this months of struggle when I literally had to beg for funds for food, rent, bills and so on because I had very few sales and close to none most of the time.

Again BIG THANK YOU! to the true ones who have been here for me and tried their best for me, I am grateful for you ALL and I promise just FOR YOU that March will start on a FUN and Sexy note!

With Love and Hate from Transilvania,



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